Procare Ultralight Wraps
Procare Ultralight Wraps
Procare Ultralight Wraps are a great way to place colour, get close to the root and help speed up development times.
Procare Ultralight Wraps are a great way to place colour, get close to the root and help speed up development times.
Made from a strong, light and thermal material our Procare Ultralight Wraps are easy to use on both long or short hair. They can be used either folded in half on shorter hair OR a second Ultralight can be placed on top of another if required.
Simply place the Procare Ultralight Wraps under the hair section, apply colour and then fold or apply second sheet.
There is no need to fold in the edges as the Ultralight will hold the colour inside, very easy to remove with the application of water.
They can be used either folded in half on shorter hair OR a second Ultralight can be placed on top of another if required.
Simply place the Ultralight under the hair section, apply colour and then fold or apply second sheet.
There is no need to fold in the edges as the Procare Ultralight Wraps will hold the colour inside, very easy to remove with the application of water.